Clear Perspective Therapy

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How Do I Lower My Stress Level?

We are all busy. Like REALLY busy. We are conditioned to fill our time to the brim, and sometimes it is to our own detriment. When we are not working or minding the house and/or children, we dive into distraction like video games and social media. Our sensory systems can’t catch a break. Overstimulation can cause lack of sleep, anxiety, irritability, restlessness, discomfort, and panic.

We are physically incapable of getting rid of all our stress, but we can recognize our triggers and manage our reactions. Here is a list of things you can try to alleviate stress…

  1. Recognize your triggers

    Make a list of things or situations that are triggering for you. Loud music, bright lights, social engagements, children playing loudly, messy space, work demands, upsetting emails, social media “fomo” (fear of missing out) or comparing ourselves to others, family drama etc.

    Rank order these triggers from least to most stressful.

  2. Create a way to measure the impact

    these triggers have on your level of stress. You can put them in number order and begin to notice each one holds a different weight. This can help us make sense of things when we feel like everything is “too much.”

  3. Identify the top two stressful things on your list

    Is it your workload? Is it parenting? Is it social engagements? Once we know our triggers, we can start problem solving.

  4. Dig in

    Ask yourself - if it is work commitments, make an appointment with your supervisor. Before the meeting, make a list of a few things that are on your plate that you are questioning. Then “manage up.” Give your supervisor ideas on how you would improve efficiency and manage workload by changing, adjusting or handing off said tasks/responsibilities. Positivity is key and being assertive is a must. Be open minded in the conversation.

    If it is a parenting stressor - identify if it is a lack of equitable parenting, is my child having a hard time behaviorally, is it something else? Write down a few of your triggers and rank order them. The top one or two we can problem solve. Do I need more help with housework? Should I look into therapy for my child or myself? Find out how to can take breaks to manage your stress. Parenting is a job loaded with sensory overload. Prioritizing quiet, independent activities periodically as a parent will help recharge and give you the energy to take on complex tasks. Let go of the guilt.

  5. Back to Basics

    Do a self check. have I eaten today? Did I drink water? Did I remember to take my vitamins? Do I need a walk? Our physical state is an integral part of our emotions and reactions. If we are consistently irritable, frustrated and anxious, we need to unplug, close our eyes, download a relaxation app, get an eye mask and chill for a little while. Your energy is finite. Put the oxygen mask on yourself first.