Career Counseling
Career Burnout
Feeling exhausted most of the time.
Getting sick often/low immunity.
Frequent physical pain (head, neck, shoulders).
Difficulty sleeping/eating or eating/sleeping too much.
Emotional signs
Feel like a failure and doubting self (Imposter Syndrome)
Feeling hopeless, trapped and unable to make changes.
Isolating and feeling like you’re the only one who feels this way.
Loss of motivation. Increased cynical and negative attitude.
Decreased sense of accomplishment at work tasks and projects you used to enjoy.
Withdrawing from responsibilities.
Isolating from others.
Procrastinating, taking longer to get things done.
Acting aggressive or passive with others.
Silent Quitting.
Using substances like food or alcohol to assuage symptoms.
Find ways to recognize that you might be at a career crossroad.
Survey your interests, comb through successes and find your plan for optimal life/work balance.